​Angelfire Network

Non Profit


Founded: 2014

Owner: Angelfire Network


Areas of expertise: 
Protecting the environment,animal kingdom and inhabitants of the Globe.

Daily world news - uncensored

Recent Projects

​Angelfire Network was inspired by the lie the US Government made regarding the false information Mainstream Media made that we bombed Syria in September of 2013. According to a friend in Jordan stated that this was false! There were no refugees at the border 30 minutes away. There was also NO air traffic except for two helicopters in two days.Mainstream Media cannot be trusted, so this alternative Network was born to inform the masses of the TRUTH.

  Big Pharma also gives false information about alternative medicine for the love of money, not healing. Conspiracy theories have gradually proven to be true. Truth telling is what you will find 

​                                   at Angelfire Network.

What We’re Doing

Worldwide March Against Monsanto

​Global March Against Geoengineering

Daily uncensored World News

Protests not covered by Mainstream Media

​Petitions for the environment, human & animal rights

Reports for healthier eating habits

False Flag news reports

Reporting Conspiracy Theories to be true

​Global victories not reported by Mainstream Media

​Charity Profile.